
Robert Arnold

Studied sculpture, drawing and photography before starting to make films in 1980. Earned a Ph. D. in Film Theory, University of Iowa, 1994 and has published several articles in academic film journals. Teaching film and video since 1985. Currently Associate Professor of Film & Video Studies at Florida Atlantic University and recently Visiting Professor of video and installation at the Academy of Fine Arts in Poznan, Poland. Now residing in Deerfield Beach, Florida with spouse Katie Travis and dogs, Mr. Dog and Stinky.

Artist Code: 682


Four Videos by Robert Arnold

2003, 24:10 minutes, colour/B&W, English

Zeno's Paradox

2003, 05:15 minutes, B&W, no dialogue


2003, 02:40 minutes, colour, English


2000, 10:00 minutes, colour, no dialogue

The Morphology of Desire

1998, 05:45 minutes, colour, English text only, no dialogue

Critical Writing

Tranz<->Tech 1999 Catalogue
Toronto: Vtape, 1999.
Great Expectations for Indie Festival
by Peter Goddard. The Toronto Star, Apr. 23, 1999.