Critical Writing Index

Art After the Coup: Interventions by Chilean Women

by Sara Diamond

Fuse, Apr. Spring 1988, v. 11, no. 5, pp. 16-24

An interview with Dimela Eltit and Nelly Richard, conducted by Sara Diamond, investigating the interventionist, site specific, feminist work featured in Women Art and the Periphery. The discussion is based around contemporary theoretical and artistic practice in South America, specifically Chile. The work of the performance group CADA is discussed.

ITEM 1988.073 – available for viewing in the Research Centre

Videos, Artworks and Artists Cited

Sobre Arte Y PoliticaCADA

PopsiclesGloria Camiruaga

El Padre MioDiamela Eltit, Lotty Rosenfeld

700 Planos Para KafkaSandra Quilaqueo

Una Herida Americana ("And American Wound")Lotty Rosenfeld

28 Son Mis DiasPaulina Aquilar

FragilMagali Meneses

TopologiaSoledad Farina

Delito PersistenteLuz Donoso

Yo No Le Tengo Miedo A NadaTatiano Gaviola

ConfidenciasSoledad Farina

El Pan NeustroGloria Camirugga

La ComidaSybil Brintrup, Magali Meneses