Critical Writing Index

Imagi(ni)ng Indigenous Spaces: Self and Other Converge in Latin America

by Luisela Alvaray

Film and History, 2004, v. 34, no. 2, pp. 58-64

Luis Alvaray examines how the films Cabeza de Vaca and Jerico disturb the structures of the postmodern rationality in order to redefine what constitutes a mobile Latin American identity.

Nicholas Echrvarria's film Cabeza de Vaca is a constructed as the extended flashback of a Spaniard shipwrecked on the Pacific Coast in Mexico. In a similar vein, Lauis Alberto Lamata's Jerico is about a Monk's expedition traveling towards the South Sea who is confronted with an epistemological transformation upon encountering native tribes.

Both films offer a critical examination of the narrativization of the South American conquest and how its histories can be retrieved.

ITEM 2004.128 – available for viewing in the Research Centre

Videos, Artworks and Artists Cited

Cabeza de VacaNicolas Echrvarria

JericoLuis Alberto Lamata