Critical Writing Index

Curatorial Incubator v. 17: On the Other Side – It's Heaven!

by Lisa Steele

Toronto: V tape, 2021

ISBN 978-0-9867810-8-7

This publication, produced in conjunction with Vtape's annual Curatorial Incubator titled On the Other Side – It's Heaven!,finds its programmers taking very divergent approaches to the theme of "the other side." In this edition, the programmers explore queer identities in sex work presented through the zine "Gendertrash from Hell"; the creation of black, queer utopias as a contrast to our current circumstances; intimacy and understanding within our relationships; and the dimensions of a possible heaven on earth.


Introduction, by Lisa Stele

Gendertrash From Hell: To Heaven, by Crocus Collective (Dallas Fellini and Karina Iskandarsjah)

A World of Our Own: Creating Black Queer Utopias, by Mahlet Cuff

Embodied Intimacies: Gesturing Towards Understanding, by Ashley Raghubir

Spirit, Feeding, by Joy Xiang

ITEM 2021.008 – available for viewing in the Research Centre

Videos, Artworks and Artists Cited

Tremblement de ChairMirha-Soleil Ross and Mark Karbusicky

Madame Lauraine's Transsexual TouchMirha-Soleil Ross, Viviane Namaste, and Monica Forrester

Allo Performance!Mirha-Soleil and Mark Karbusicky

Black Queer Affection (Tryptich)Abdi Osman

Red Lips [Cages for Black Girls]Kyisha Williams

Time Will ComeNatalie Wood

A Kiki with Bobby BowenAyo Tsalithaba

How to Explain Performance Art to My Teenage DaughterRachel Echenberg

Spatial RhythmsJorge Lozano

Maigre DogDonna James

UnkrautKarina Griffith

Real Cadences and a Quiet ColourErika DeFreitas

I'm StarvingYau Ching

La Liste est LongueGuy Wouete

The Weight of the Sun and the MoonYudi Sewraj

Lumapit Sa Akin, Paraiso (Come to Me, Paradise)Stephanie Comilang

New Materials in the Reading of the WorldChooc Ly Tan