Critical Writing Index

L'usage de la vidéo en Europe / Use And Misuse Of Videotape In Europe: Un probléme de compréhension et d'improvisation / a question of misunderstanding and improvisation

by Maria Bicocchi

Parachute, Fall 1977, no. 8, pp. 25-28

This text is the transcription of a lecture given by Maria Gloria Bicocchi, in collaboration with Alberto Pirellit and Fulvio Salvadori, at the International Video Conference in Graz, Austria, Oct. 1-3, 1976. The text considers the class structures and political realities in relationship to the work done in Art/Tapes/22. The English version of the text was edited by Peggy Gale.

ITEM 1977.002 – available for viewing in the Research Centre

Videos, Artworks and Artists Cited

Maria Gloria Bicocchi

Alberto Pirelli

Fulvio Salvadori