

Lorna Boschman

1987, 11:37 minutes, colour, English


In Scars, four women are interviewed about "slashing" which is for them a form of emotional release. Their faces are never seen: the visuals are of their scarred arms.

The interviews take place in a park: the bark on a tree looks scarred by association, the granite rock looks freckled, and the scars on a woman's arms begin to look natural. These women challenge the socially accepted forms of self-mutilation: "If I sat here chain smoking, no one would get upset. And that's just as much tissue damage as cutting my arm with a razor."

Rental and Sales

Single Screening Rental


Educational Purchase DVD (Bluray +$15)


5 Year Educational Streaming License, Digital File with DVD Circulation Copy


Gallery Exhibition and Installation, complete Media Request form for quote

Institutional Archival Acquisition, complete Media Request form for quote

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Critical Writing

affirm/nation; Jude Norris
by Sandee Moore. unknown, 2005.
Retrospective gives voice to silenced women
by Karen X Tulchinsky. Xtra! West, May 20, 1994, no. XW20.
Hot Tramp, I Love You So!: Rebel Girls: A Survey of Canadian...
by Christine Conley. Fuse, Fall 1989, v. 13, no. 1 & 2.
Locked Out of the Women's Room: Montreal International Festival of...
by José Arroyo and Jamie Gaetz. Cinema Canada, 1988, no. 155.
Cold Snaps: Images 88, Northern Visions showcase of new film and video
by Andrew J. Patterson. Cinema Canada, Sept. 1988, no. 155.
Video Verities
by Andrew O'Hehir. San Francisco Sentinel, June 17, 1988, v. 16, no. 25.