
Struggle For Choice - Part 1: Abortion Caravan

Nancy Nicol

1986, 31:00 minutes, colour, B&W, English

TAPECODE 298.07.1

The five-part series Struggle For Choice examines a 17 year period of the abortion rights movement from the liberalization of the abortion law between 1969 and 1987. The tapes present the abortion rights issue in an overall political context.

Part One,
Abortion Caravan examines the Federal law changes in 1969, which allowed for the legal dissemination of birth control information and the legalization of abortion if performed in an accredited hospital and approved by a therapeutic abortion committee of three doctors (it was not removed from the Criminal Code, making abortion illegal if performed in free-standing clinics or without the approval of a committee.) Women responded to the limitations of the new law with demonstrations. Participants in Abortion Caravan "declare war on the Government of Canada" and shut down Parliament for the first time in Canada's history

Titles in this series:
Part 1.
Abortion Caravan covers the history of the movement since 1969.

Part 2. Access covers access to abortion and family planning across Canada.

Part 3. La luttte pour le libre choix : troisieme partie) Québec (1971-1980) covers the history of the abortion rights movement in Quebec.

Part 4. Restraint / Repression covers the impact of the economic recession.

Part 5. The Legal Battle covers Dr. Morgentaler's challenge to the abortion law from 1983-1987.

Rental and Sales

Single Screening Rental


Educational Purchase DVD (Bluray +$15)


5 Year Educational Streaming License, Digital File with DVD Circulation Copy


Gallery Exhibition and Installation, complete Media Request form for quote

Institutional Archival Acquisition, complete Media Request form for quote

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