
Laurette, la femme aux médicaments

1993, 19:45 minutes, colour, B&W, French


Dans les années 50, Laurette Tardif était infirmière auprès des Attikamewk (Montagnais) qui peuplaient les vastes étendues de la Haute-Mauricie. Personnage important du village du Clova, Laurette parle des soins donnés aux Attimaewk et de leur mode de vie à l'époque. De remarquables photos de ses tournées dans les réserves illustrent son témoignage chaleureux. Des images du Clova moderne et quelques réflexions des auteures sur le mode de vie actuel de ses habitants complètent ce documentaire concis et évocateur.

During the 50s, Laurette Tardif worked as a nurse among the Attikamewks, a people who live on the vast expanses of the Haute-Mauricie. Laurette was a prominent figure in the village of Clova. She talks about the nursing care provided to the Attikamewks and about their lifestyle during this era. Her warm testimony is illustrated by remarkable photographs of her as she made her rounds. Images of modern Clova and reflections of the videomakers on the current lifestyle of the Attikamewk people complete this concise and evocative documentary.

Rental and Sales

Single Screening Rental


Educational Purchase DVD (Bluray +$15)


5 Year Educational Streaming License, Digital File with DVD Circulation Copy


Gallery Exhibition and Installation, complete Media Request form for quote

Institutional Archival Acquisition, complete Media Request form for quote

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