Critical Writing Index

Relatively True Stories

by Amy Taubin

Voice, Jan. 9, 1990, p. 54

Myth is a video art show at the Museum of Modern Art that critiques the idea of myths being common knowledge.

Curated by Barbara London, Myth includes videos from 19 female artists.

Lisa Steele's Some Call It Bad Luck is a fictional documentary/reinactment of a woman being interrogated by police. The story is based on a Steele's experiences of women she met while working in a shelter.

Marina Abramovic and Charles Atlas's SSS is a five-minute portrait of the artists as mythical women Medusa and Diana.

Ida Applebroog and Beth B's Belladonna is an interpretation of Freud's text "A Child Is Being Beaten". It features close-up shots of 20 actors reading excerpts of testimonies by Joel Steinberg and Josef Mengele.

ITEM 1990.020 – available for viewing in the Research Centre

Videos, Artworks and Artists Cited

Some Call It Bad LuckLisa Steele

SSSMarina Abramovic


BelladonnaCharles Atlas

BelladonnaIda Applebroog

Beth B