Critical Writing Index

The Video Window of Davidson Gigliotti

by Russel Connor

Arts Magazine, Dec. 1974, v. 49, no. 4, pp. 74-75

Russel Sullivan discusses the serene work of Davidson Gigliotti, a carpenter and video artist who functions within the group Videofreex (or, Media-Bus). Gigliotti's meditative and sometimes obsessive work (hundreds of drawings in search for a perfect freehand circle) admits a paradoxical, romantic attachment to nature, and the medium of video. Structure of Dry-Fly Fishing is a complex video artwork, a sixteen-channel video landscape, presenting information related to the trout, trout environments, and more. This point of view in to an elegant natural environment is key to observing and discovering nature as well as understanding the presence of the human (or apparent absence of).

ITEM 1974.029 – available for viewing in the Research Centre

Videos, Artworks and Artists Cited

Structure of Dry Fly FishingDavidson Gigliotti

Quaking AspensDavidson Gigliotti

Hunter MountainDavidson Gigliotti