Critical Writing Index


by Naim Kattan, Karin Kiwus and Bruce Elder

Berlin: Akademie der Kunste, 1982

Catalogue accompanying “Okanada”, “an exhibition organized by the Berlin Akademie, The Canada Council, and the Department of External Affairs. An overview of Canadian art, it covers a wide range of disciplines: architecture, historical Canadian paintings, contemporary art, video, performance art, and film. The exhibit is panned by German critics.” The exhibition was on view December 5, 1982 to January 30, 1983 at Akademie der Kunst, Berlin, Germany.[Taken from]

ITEM 1982.091 – available for viewing in the Research Centre

Videos, Artworks and Artists Cited

Michael Snow

Jack Chambers

David Rimmer

Dennis Reid

Laurier Lacroix

John O'Brian

Jacques Brault

George Woodcock

Robert stacey

Russell Keziere

Christopher Varley

Sandra Paikowsky

Fernande Saint-Martin

David Burnett

George Baird

Harold Kalman

George Kapelos

Pierre Théberge

Max Dean

Jorn Merkert

Bruce Ferguson

Renee Baert

Andree Duchaine

Clive Robertson

Peggy Gale

Jean Tourangeau

Bruce Elder

Pierre Veronneau

Peter Harcourt

Piers Handling

Louise Beaudet

Elaine Keillor

Maryvonne Kendergi

Max Wyman

Michael Vais

Robert Enright

Laurent Mailhot

W.h New

John Warkentin

Tom Graff

Margaret Dragu

Tom Clark

Robert Racine

Hank Bull

Raymond Gervais

Tom Dean

General Idea