
confirmation of my sins

Zachery Longboy

1995, 12:00 minutes, colour, English


"There are many memories of childhood that have slipped through the cracks. Those i do remember are of my struggles dealing with the difference in myself compared to the peoples around me. At two months of age i was taken from my biological family and given to a foster family, to this day i am unsure of the circumstances surrounding my removal. This action has left an abundance of questions that remain unanswered.
i have since made some contact with my biological family; however their struggle with identity leaves little room for answers in my search. The identities I have chosen are a mixture created by trial and error, with the guidance of the dominant society's uncompromising vision, infecting every breath. i am a chameleon taking on roles and behaviours in their appropriate settings. Not having a solid cultural ideal to work from, i am forced to create a visual history that combines many ideals. running, running, trees going by."

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Critical Writing

Transactions: Investigations of postcolonial identity
by Rebecca Garrett. Gallery: The Art Magazine From the Gallery Delta, June 1999.