
The Meadow

1996, colour, English



The Meadow is an interactive installation which explores and manifests the metaphorical space which lies between the 'simulated' and the 'real' - the space to which artists are inevitably drawn.
Stepping into the installation space, the viewer is surrounded by four large colour monitors. Displayed on each monitor is real-time, full motion video of a different view: the four edges or corners of a medow as seen from a central vantage point. It is winter in the meadow, then suddenly the season shifts. The views remain the same, but a certain motion or sequence of movements by the viewer has triggered a transformation. Suddenly it is spring. The viewer discovers, as they move within the installation space, how to trigger these seasonal changes as well as numerous special effects such as a child who whispers on their right and is answered by another child whispering on their left.

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