
V is For Video Programme One & Two

1999, 101:36 minutes, colour/B&W, English

TAPECODE 9999.157

Programme One: TRT 55:11
Scott McGovern "Old Chinese Man with Kite" 1999 2:00
Howie Shia "Grandma's Big Day Out 1999 6:30
Michael Veeliqueette "Naughty and Stern Office Boys" 1997 2:30
Kevin Kilpatrick "Table for Nine" 1999 2:00
John Chung "Leaves" 1999 00:40
Mui Shokouhi "Plum" 1998 4:50
Mike Scott "American Music" 1998 4:45
Peter Wu "Paper Eclipse" 1998, 11:30
Martin Spellerberg "Self Portrait" 1998 11:30
Michael Rollo "Optical Frenzy" 1998 3:00
Slavica Ceperkovic "The Latest" 1998 2:00
Jonathon Inksetter "Skin Drum" 1999 3:45
Erinn Brush "Prep-Work" 1999 2:00
Meredith Blackmore "Landing 1" 1999 4:00 "Landing 2" 1999 5:00
Programme Two: TRT 46:25
Su Rynard "Phases" 1984 5:00
Van LaPointe "fz - 976" 1990 10:37 (3 minute excerpt)
Zachery Longboy "From Another Time Comes One..." 1990 10:00 (3 - 5 minute excerpt)
Steve Reinke "Emergence of a Democratic Memory" 1992 2:58
Fitsum Wegayehu "Buznussmen don't take shit" 1993 1:00
Christina Zeidler "Desire" 1994 4:30
Susan Fairbairn "There is a Fine Line" 1995 5:00
Curtis MacDonald "Bad Vision" 1998 8:12

Rental and Sales

Single Screening Rental


Educational Purchase DVD (Bluray +$15)


5 Year Educational Streaming License, Digital File with DVD Circulation Copy


Gallery Exhibition and Installation, complete Media Request form for quote

Institutional Archival Acquisition, complete Media Request form for quote

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