
gender fucking femmes

Anna Peak

2007, 42:00 minutes, colour, English


27 queer femme dykes who live in Toronto talk about their identities, politics, personal stories, sex, glitter, and dreams. The performance- a banquett on church street - reflects an external community experience, whereas the voiceover expresses a shared internal process.

This video is divided into six chapters and can be used for queer identity classes and workshops.
It is impossilble to define femme identity - fem(me) is put on, a put - on, fetish production at the hand of subject becoming object, becoming fetish, while always retaining a sense of the performance. Femme is the performer who demands performance in return, the player who brings pleasure into play. Not a performer of legible gender transgression, like the butch and his sister the drag queen, but a betrayer of legibility itself. Seemingly normal, she responds to normal expectations with a sucker punch - she occupies normality abnormally. She refuses to buy into any femininity that embodies inferiority, or that embodies a mythology based on denial of class and race...
- from Lisa Duggan, Kathleen McHugh - A Fem(me) Manifesto

Rental and Sales

Single Screening Rental


Educational Purchase DVD (Bluray +$15)


5 Year Educational Streaming License, Digital File with DVD Circulation Copy


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Institutional Archival Acquisition, complete Media Request form for quote

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