
Desire: Sexuality in Germany 1910-1945

Stuart Marshall

1989, 88:00 minutes, colour


Stuart Marshall's Desire documents the experience of homosexuals who were persecuted during the Nazi era. Subtitled 'Sexuality in Germany 1910-1945', the film shows how the heady atmosphere of gay Berlin betwen the wars gave way to the rise of Nazism and the official policy of killing all homosexuals. The experience of homosexuals persectuted during the Nazi era was documented by visits to the death camps. History is revisited from the perspective of the survivors. The landscape of the camps, now 'softened' by greenery and other invasive natural elements is interrogated for clues to the atrocities which survivors relate in voice-over. Former 'heroic' sites of Nazi gatherings, now overgrown and reclaimed by the earth, seem like benign ruins. The importance of this film increases as the new generation of historians continues to unearth the hidden histories surrounding the roots of Nazism.

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